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Karla Marie Williams is an author of multiple books, speaker, and global advocate for children and families. She is also the President of BeBold Publishing, a publishing company that launches inspirational books, journals, and courses to impact moms around the world. Karla is an inspirational speaker at womens' conferences, homeschool conferences, foster/adoption conferences, virtual conferences, and retreats for organizations and churches. Everything Karla pursues, writes, and speaks about is infused with inspiration and dedication to healthy, happy families.

Womens' Ministry
Karla's desire is to see you and your family thrive and accomplish all that you were created to be. Her keynote addresses are fueled with inspiration and actionable challenges to engage you right where you are. Check out her books on Christian living and inspiration for moms.

As a fifteen year veteran of homeschooling six children, Karla has become a coach to thousands of parents through social media and mentorship programs using her own curriculum. She is a champion for Interest-Led Learning and helps families approach their kid's education with out-of-the-box resources and methods. Check out her books on homeschooling/unschooling that are sure to inspire you.

Foster Care / Adoption
For the last decade, Karla has conducted Trauma-Competent training through creating her own curriculum for foster/adoptive parents, social workers, and child advocates around the world. With the experience of over TEN countries, cultures, and systems, Karla brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to non-profit boards, conferences, and panels as she ministers to the heart of those who care for traumatized kids. Check out her books on foster care, adoption, and the work she has done across the globe.

Review Karla's Media Kit on this website for marketing materials and a detailed history of her work. 


BeBold Publishing Copyright 2024
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